The reimagined Transformers animation series is about to land on Nickelodeon. Nick and Hasbro’s Entertainment One teamed up to produce an original animated Transformers series based on an iconic global property. This is one of the two Transformers animated series announced today, as well as a new show on Netflix.
In this series, a new Transformer must find its place and purpose among Autobots, Decepticons, and the human families that adopt them. This 26-episode half-hour series will premiere exclusively in Nickelodeon in the United States, and then be launched internationally.
Ramsey Naito, President of Nickelodeon Animation, said: “When I read this creative concept centered on the family, I knew that we absolutely must tell this story with good friends of eOne and Hasbro.” The series will be a whole new generation. Children and families tell a reimagined story that includes original characters and fan favorites. Nick’s creative team, under the supervision of Claudia Spinelli, Senior Vice President of Animation Development, can’t wait to start building this new world. ”
Hasbro launched the Transformers toy series and animation series in 1984. Its success gave birth to an animated film in 1986, many future toy series, and a series of live-action movies. Cartoon Network launched “Transformers: Animation” in 2007, and the animated series has been broadcast for three seasons.
“We are very happy to work with Nickelodeon to expand the Transformers animation world and bring a new visual story to life,” said Olivier Dumont, president of the eOne family brand. “This new series is a brand new idea for the brand. It will inspire long-term fans and fans who will become fans all over the world. All of these were introduced to the robot in disguise by the A list creative team led by eOne’s Mikiel Houser.”
The series is produced by Ant Ward (Rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and Nicole Dubuc (Transformers: Rescue Robot), and developed and jointly executed by Dale Malinowski (Rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). The series was produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and developed for TV by Spinelli and Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt, senior director of animation current series and development. The production of Nickelodeon will be supervised by Conrad Montgomery, Vice President of Animation at Current Series, and the production of eOne will be supervised by Mikiel Houser, Director of TV Development.
Post time: Aug-18-2021